Friday, February 17, 2006

what sales people think of business people who went to harvard

upon meeting one of our top sales people, i got to hear this joke:

cooter, a surprisingly smart boy from alabama, makes it to harvard college. while finding his way around campus, he is amazed by the architecture and the fact that there really is ivy on the walls.

he can't find the library though. he spies a professor walking by and walks up to him. "uhh, hello professor, " he drawls. "i seem to be a bit lost. can you tell me where the library is at?"

professor preston lincolshire tweedledum peers down at this country bumpkin. "why, yesssss, i do know where it is. but hasn't anyone told you not to end your sentences with a preposition?"

cooter scratches his head, spits outs his dip, and nods. "yup, i guess you're right."

he pauses.

"ok, well let me try again. can you tell me where the library is at, asshole?"

i love it.


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