Thursday, June 01, 2006


greetings from the banks of the muddy mississippi, in what gasparyan calls 'walmartica.'

aptly named. however, the downtown area is actually pretty cool. got a good meal at molly's.

well, that's it for rush limbaugh's hometown.

ok, now for lost:
  • libby gave the boat to desmond. ok. i didn't recognize her right away. so her husband died. and then she was in a mental facility?
  • the eletromagnet downed the plane? hmm, maybe.
  • desmond's ex-girlfriend is behind all of this? or her father's corporation?
  • the experiment is really on the observers? the neumatic tube to nowhere seems to suggest so.
  • what the hell is so special about walt?
  • not-henry gale is the leader. nice twist. but i don't think the hostiles (aka the others) are the good guys.
  • and so who the hell is the real henry gale (the dude that died in the balloon with his wife)?
  • how did the others know the names of the people on the flight? i mean, they knew sawyer's real name. like everyone else, i smell a mole.
  • so was the dude that ana lucia killed way back when one of the others?
  • is desmond dead? locke? eko? i don't think so.
  • what's in the others' hatch? i guess there's not a button?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to ignore your blog on Lost, but, yeah... I ignored it. I'm really after the 411 on your foster-dog. Any more photo's?

3:49 PM  

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