oksana is o-wsome
oksana baiul returns to tv as one of three judges on the completely lame but completely entertaining 'master of champions.'
the competitors are mildly interesting. i like how the show plays up at least one each competitor each night who is 'doing it for the kids.' however, the real show is oksana, former olympic figure skater (i think she was a gold medalist the year that the kerrigan-harding shit went down).
oksana stumbles through every episode. she hit a new peak last night when she donned skates on the faux-ice (two ice skaters were competing for who could spin the fastest while wrapping themselves in toliet paper). the host asked her who the ice felt. she rambled incoherently about the hollywood dream and being on tv.
it's like watching a train wreck. i love it.
last night was cool also because the nerdy team (there's one every episode) won the whole competition for building a flipping sweet rube goldberg contraption. turns out both mrs. wintermute and i used to do the same thing as kids. in fact, she won a team competition in 8th grade.
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