Wednesday, February 14, 2007

stuck in logan



it's easy to forget how cold it gets. this kind of cold puckers your ass and freezes your nostril hair. walking across the charles from pinocchio's pizza to campus yesterday shocked my system. also, stepping out of the cab into a 5 inch deep puddle of slush and ice water was a treat. hopefully, none of my toes will fall off before i get back to atlanta.

long day at the big h yesterday, but met some good candidates. they are inevitably, as nobf put it, "polished."

had a nice breakfast with nobf this morning. she's fresh off a trip to tokyo for a bio tech conference and visibly pregnant. she won't tell me what names she and dr. nobf are considering.

now i'm stuck in logan. there are "ice pellets" on the plane and they have shut down the airport.


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