science is never wrong
leaving austin after five great days for the annual gathering with the crew. lots of mom jokes, lots of bbq, lots of tex mex, and lots of beer. am sitting at the gate, waiting for my flight to reno. debating whether or not i can justify a to-go order of salt lick (among the best bbq places).
one of the major highlights was continuing our tradition of finding one really, really shitty movie that is so bad it is good.
the chief brought absolute zero, courtesy his in-laws. featuring the dude from lawn mower man, it is an instant classic, if for nothing else, the line, "science is never wrong." read the imbd summary here. basically, a cheap knock off of 'the day after tomorrow' with D-list actors and special effects lifted from a video game.
wikipedia has some pretty cool information about the real science of absolute zero here.
even though it rained a lot, we did a lot of stuff. ok, we went out to eat at a lot of places. and hit some cool bars, notably club deville and the austin hotel. all kinds of great eats, but i'm too tired right now to come up with all of the names.
next year will be at the wintermute house. the trip will feature three munchkins. one was a handful (and a lovable handful, at that) this year. will be interesting.
dr wintermute flew out yesterday. she has her last day at crazy town today, and then she's finishing the apt close out this afternoon. staying with momma cass and the fam the rest of the week. i arrive in soflo late friday night, and then we are DC-bound.
that would be hotel san jose, not austin hotel.
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