Monday, April 12, 2010


man, i'm behind on posts. a few weekends ago dr. w and I went down to florida to celebrate her parents' 40th wedding anniversary (which was actually back in december). we got them a seaside cottage for a night as a gift, and we stayed at the inn a block away. seaside, which is about 45 minutes from where the live, is the town where they filmed the truman show. although it was a bit colder than we expected, just getting to sit on the beach, have lots of great seafood, and ride bikes around town was great. some pics:

dr. wintermute and her rents

the view from the cottage

doing what i do best...the hammock was calling my name

does it get better than this?

i liked the no tell motel sign made entirely out of license plates

the shrimp shack was delicious. dr. w got the lobster roll--fantastic

biking around a town that is five square miles is fun


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