Wednesday, June 15, 2011

In Atlanta

We are here. First weekend...I hit metalsome with big game. A great evening that originally called for a final-final at the Clairmont, but that wasn't in the cards for us.

Driving to metalsome made me realize how much I love Atlanta. My internal monologue as I drove from midtown to the highlands:
- Turn from 14 onto Piedmont, passing signs for Screen on the Green. Think of how one my first dates with Dr. W was at Screen on the Green. Think of J-watt, Fuckface, and Chall3po, and our blue bucket of beer (which I still have).
- Pass the Prado. Remember that Gasparyan used to live there.
- Pass Botanical Garden, where Dr. W and I got married.
- Wow, I've driven 1/4 of a mile already have three great psychological landmarks.
- Pass Smith Old's Bar. We used to go here for trivia. This is where Fuckface and I met Chall3po.
- Turn on Monroe. Oh yeah, this is where Breaking H used to live.
- Pass Grady High School. Big Game graduated from there. In college, we scrimmaged his alma mater's team.
- Turn left onto Virginia. This is the park where I proposed to Dr. W. Sadly, it is also the park that memorializes the family that was killed when lightning struck a tree, causing a branch to fall on the car, killing the wife and her two young kids.
- Turn right onto N. Highland. Too many memories to count. Mo's & Joe's--where I learned to drink PBR by the pitcher (before hipsters made drinking PBR ironic).
- At ten high. Time for metalsome.


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