Monday, May 02, 2005

It's My Wedding, Too

Planet Gordon is a great blog by a groom-to-be who actually likes planning his wedding.

imagine that?

katie and i have split a lot of the work. i have to say that lately katie has done a lot of the detail work that is hard for us to share while living in different cities. however, on the whole, we've worked together on each step. we try to do things where one of has a strength (e.g. i'm good with negotiating and financial stuff, katie is good with vendors and design choices). we try to attend meetings together and consult each other on all the big decisions. then we run everything by our parents to make sure it's cool with them.

this seems to shock a lot of vendors in the wedding industry (which is an insidious, inefficient and backwards industry designed to prey on people's insecurities, but that's another topic).

many of the vendors don't talk to me, much less look at me when sitting across the table. or they explain everything to katie and then wait for her to see what i think, as if i need a translation. i think i have an idea of what it's like to shop for a car as a woman.

i really like planning the wedding, as much as i bitch about it sometimes. a lot of my guy friends said that they just showed up for their wedding. i think that when the arrives, katie and i will feel good knowing that we actually designed what we wanted, rather than showing up having this ornate ritual happen to us.

the resources offered to grooms are insulting at best. offers the best out there, but it's the only decent one i found when i googled "wedding sites for grooms." search brides, and you'll get...well, tons of stuff.

guys, am i by myself on this one?


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