Monday, August 07, 2006

on the first day of bschool

on the first day of b school orientation, career services gathered the class into a room and asked, "who wants to go into private equity or venture capital?

everyone (well pretty much everyone. nobf and slim shady probably already knew better) raised their hands.

"ok, good. now, everyone put down their hand unless you already worked in p/e or v/c before coming here."

hands drop.

"now, that's who will get those jobs. the rest of you should start looking for something else."

apparently, this message did not get through to bono.

check out his new private equity company here:

just in case their was any doubt, check out the "investment team" here and bono's profile here. i love that they list bono's background as "lead singer and co-founder of u2" in the same breath as they list fred anderson's background as "
the former EVP and CFO of Apple Computer"

turning a single and a tour title into a private equity company might be a first...


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