Thursday, October 05, 2006

wear this

so, when kate's taking a shower, were yall as disappointed as i was that we didn't even a little bit of naughty footage?

then she steps out and her clothing is gone. there's a sign on another locker saying "wear this."

what is in store is not quite a little number from frederick's of hollywood. but not bad.

ok, down to business...

so, ben (not-henry gale) is behind everything.

what the hell happened to kate between breakfast on the beach and being brought to the cage. what's in store for the two "very unpleasant" couple of weeks that ben promises her?

how do the others (namely, juliette) have extensive dossiers on everyone (or at least on jack)? how the hell do they know how is ex-wife is doing, much less who she is?

what's the deal with carl? is he one of them? is having him in the cage across from sawyer just a set-up?

what on earth was on the other side of the door that was storing all of the water that jack unleashed?

finally, i think we have a sense for how big the island is. just after the plane comes apart overhead, ben dispatches ethan to mix in with the survivors. he tells ethan that if he hurries, he can get there in an hour. assuming ethan goes on foot (a big assumption--we know they have at least one boat, but it seemed to imply that we would be on foot):
  • he can go somewhere between 8 and 10 minutes per mile (a good jogger on flat ground can do about 7 minute per mile). given the terrain, let's say 10 minutes. so in an hour he would cover at least 6 miles.
  • and when the camera pans away, it seems that their village is on the far side of the island. let's say it's 70% of the way from the beach where the front-plane survivors land.
  • so the diameter of the island is roughly 8.5 miles.
  • so let's call the radius 4.5-5.0 miles.
  • so the circumference would be about 15 miles (pi X diameter)
  • and the area is about 78 square miels (pi x radius squared)
this seems to make sense intuitively. the characters take about two days to cross the island when the sawyer, jin, and echo met up with the ana lucia and trekked back to the beach.

let's hear it for geometry. mr. mueller would be proud.


Blogger Isadora Quagmire said...

I was under the impression that the door that unleashed all the water backs up to the ocean or an inlet or something.

All else remains a mystery. We'll see how the 2 very unpleasant weeks are, but so far Kate is getting the best deal of the three "detainees."

10:00 AM  

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