Wednesday, September 13, 2006

the good book

what i missed at this year's dragon con: aeon & selene

drag queen wonder woman

gotta have storm troopers

after a year of planning, moe and i ended up missing this year's dragon con b/c our college crew got together in miami over labor day weekend. it was flipping sweet, as always. highlights included a badass volleyball game that ended in a mini-brawl (j-watt left me with an anakin-esque scar on my shoulder--she's vicious). for more details, check out mrs. wintermute's blog here--good account of the whole weekend. but man, missing dragon con! some pics:

i'm happy to share though, that mrs. w has started down the path. she's reading 'snow crash.' it's one of the most important modern sci fi books of the cyberpunk genre, after the seminal work by the godfather himself (william gibson), 'neuromancer' (from where this blog gets its name). next up for mrs w: perhaps the most perfectly written book of all time: cryptonomicon. it's one of those books that you're genuinely sad when you finish it, b/c it's like a when a good friend who's been staying with you leaves. back in the day, when bloodninja and i lived together, crpytonomicon was our good book. sometimes we read a few verses before a big meal.


Blogger Isadora Quagmire said...

Just for purposes of verification, Mrs W is indeed geeking out shamelessly and reading Snow Crash. Early reports are that she likes it so far, the only problem being that it may take her all year to read it since she can barely stay awake when she has time to read it :)

5:09 PM  

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