Saturday, November 10, 2007

working man

nightmare couple of weeks in terms of workload. it's really the most intense it's been...well, ever. had two nights this week where i pulled 20 hour days. wed was the worst--took the train up to nj at 7, worked until 3:45 am, and then got up for an 8 am video conference.

and it's saturday, and i'm still working. between now and christmas is going to be a grind.

mpg and shan de la shan are on their way over. they're just about on time for our family, which means it's one hour and forty-minutes past when they were supposed to be here. j-nee will appreciate that one, i'm sure.

headed out to destin next week for a conference. it actually works out nicely. i have a week of good weather at a resort, and then i'm going to roll it right into my thanksgiving vacation, as my conference is 45 minutes from the in-laws. dr. wintermute flies down friday night. i'm dreading having to break it to her that i'm going to be working a lot this thanksgiving. she specifically asked me if that was going to be the case (two thanksgivings ago at her rents' place, i was doing my first m&a deal, and 'a few hours' turned into 3 straight twelve hour days). i'm already stressed about. should be a good week. j-town and his fiancee will be there, and as well as the cheese's rents. so we'll be one big happy family.

had a good run into boston two weeks ago. sadly, i was there for only a couple of days and didn't get to hang with nobf or meet her new son. however, on the way home, i ran into slim shady in logan airport. holy big h study group, batman! it was really good to talk to her--we actually hadn't see each other in a couple of years (i think our jaunt with mpg, j-nee, and nobf for beacon hill brunch at the paramount in oct '05 was the last time, actually).


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