Monday, March 24, 2008


another cool thing last weekend was that while joe was visiting, two of my cousins from ny were in town for the weekend. we forgot to snap pics before they had to jump on the train, but it was great having joe, shan de la shan, anakin, and shen together. even cooler, we're now planning a full family get together for this summer, probably at lake george, ny (near where i grew up). we haven't had my dad's entire family together since my wedding. my uncle is in end stage renal failure, on dialysis, and awaiting a transplant, so this will be a good chance to have everyone together for some quality family time. we all grew up in the northeast, spending a lot of weekends together, and there's only seven years between the old (shen) and the youngest (shan de la shan). now we gotta figure out the logistics.


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