Thursday, May 19, 2005

you were the chosen one

last night proved that 21 years was worth the wait for lucas to make a great finish to the greatest move series of all time.

we headed to the theater around 10 to get in line and enjoy the freakfest. however, there was only one girl in our theater dressed to kill
leia outfit

we had all kinds of time kill since they let us into the theater right away. hunter played with some kid's lightsaber
hunter with light saber

eventually, katie showed up and proved why i'm the luckiest dude on earth, as she sported princess leia hair buns:
sahil + katie at premiere 2

that's right, i'm wearing my han solo empire strikes back jacket.

on the the film: it lived up to the billing of being dark, tragic and thrilling. anakin is believable as a tormented jedi. obi-wan shows why he kicks ass but misleads anakin. and palpatine is defines machiavellan. i love natalie portman, but she is the only drag on the movie. the 'tender moment' scenes suck donkey balls. fortunately, there are only a few and they are mercifully brief. awesome action sequences. nice cameo by chewbacca. yoda kicks some serious ass. and darth vadar is the ultimate tragic hero. go see it. i've been waiting since i was five years old for this movie and it was a dream come true. sure, a few bits could have been better, and it still doesn't make sense why obi-wan seem ignorant of leia's existence in empire strikes back, given that he is in the delivery room with padme. but it is a stunning piece of work, worthy of your $8, if only to tell your kids that you were there.


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