Tuesday, May 09, 2006

live blogging from ny

just landed in ny. conference is at the waldorf, but alas, the Man said no way to staying there (the convenience factor did not carry a lot of weight).

so i'm at the courtyard.

had to get a steaming hot greasy pastrami reuben right away. with peach snapple. oh man it hit the spot.

have a freaking packed schedule. seeing two friends from undergrad this afternoon, the fam (six first cousins here) for dinner. investor conference all day tomorrow. dinner with cherry pie and then nightlife with bloodninja. hopefully he won't take me to any bridge & tunnel shite bars. thursday starts with breakfast w/ my old mentor at booz allen, a quick work call, and then coffee w/ the fine folks at seo (non profit organization with which i do some stuff). 1:00 flight back to atlanta.

big, big up to anakin for letting me crash with him tomorrow night, despite being in the throes of his last couple of papers/exams of his law school career.


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