Thursday, May 10, 2007

doctor scientist!

this is a big weekend. after our wedding, it is probably the biggest weekend i've had since i met dr. wintermute.

on monday, she officially gets her phd from emory.

dr. w has been slugging it out for almost six years. i met her a month into her first semester. bloodninja and i were "two business guys" and she and breaking h were j-watt's "hot friends." since then we've moved in together, i've left for boston, finished my graduate degree, gotten engaged and lived together for a summer, moved back to atlanta and gotten married, moved into together for a year, then had dr. w move to soflo, and live apart for another year. now, the end is in site. house almost purchased. next stop: washington dc. oh yeah, and all of that doctoral stuff.

clinical work? check. quals? check. dissertation? check. internship at the crazy house? check.

dr. w has had a great adviser and great friends in the program. ok, and some other people, too.

we're packing right now. fly to atl tomorrow evening, meeting j-town in the airport. both sets of parents are driving in for the big weekend. lots of family time and some nice meals.

and metalsome monday to top it off.

it will be a nice nostalgia moment for me to return for emory commencement. killing drinks at 7 am behind the chi phi house and stumbling with my pledge class in our robes to the quad.

it. does. not. feel. like. it. has. been. that. long.

the speaker is not anyone of whom i have heard. i'm sure he or she is smart and will have good things to say, but i'm not intellectual at all about these things. i want someone famous and funny. it's a long, hot day. emory is a good school. if they want to stop being known as a place for duke rejects, they should be able to get a good commencement speaker.

anyway, monday will be a great day.

it's been a haul. i'm so proud of you, dr. wintermute!


Blogger testglobaltraffic said...

nice blog

12:45 AM  

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