Friday, August 24, 2007


long week. first half at home, which was good. got the exterminator to clear our basement of 'croaches,' these mutant half cockroach / half cricket that were everywhere. the guy who took care of our house said they were the biggest he had ever seen, as and that as he sprayed down the basement, these croaches came raining down on his head as they died and fell out of the ceiling. dr. w mentioned that she didn't how he could stand it, and he said that he was putting himself through school. and that moment, i really appreciated, more than ever, what it means to have had my parents put my through school. this isn't just bourgeois guilt speaking. i really mean that i have no appreciation for what it means to have to do something like that. i didn't earn my way through school--daddy warbucks did it for me. i need to make sure my kids appreciate that distinction when they are on that side of it someday.

anyway, dr. w has been kicking ass in getting our place put together, calling contractors (we've got some decently big fixes to make), getting our car registered in MD, all of the shit that comes with moving. a good portion of last weekend was pulling weeds and cleaning up the landscaping. shitty, but the yard did look a lot better.

wed to friday in atlanta for work, and now i'm sitting on the runway in atlanta. scrambled to get the 5:00 flight (instead of 7:30) so i could be home for dinner. the flight that i'm on, ironically, is 20 minutes away from taking off at 7:30.


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