Wednesday, February 10, 2010

snowpocalypse now

the snow has been pummeling dc. at first it was kind of fun. last friday night, i was out with a couple of the guys on the block, shoveling everyone's driveway and walk on our street. it got less fun over the weekend, by which point the accumulation hit 30 inches. by sunday, spending four hours digging out the car left me wishing:
  1. we didn't live in the new tundra
  2. we had a garage
i can't complain too much, as
  1. some neighborhoods near us didn't have power
  2. our street got plowed (since we live close to the access booth that houses power switches for our metro stop)
  3. our neighbors pitched in with the shoveling
  4. we had the foresight to buy groceries ahead of time
by yesterday, round two was absolutely ridiculous. about eight new inches have fallen since last night, and it may reach twenty by tomorrow. our flight plans for this upcoming weekend are absurd.

at first, dr. wintermute and i were supposed to fly to daytona beach to visit the fam tomorrow. mom and pops are spending a month there with my dad's older brother, who is doing his first snowbird winter after buying a place on the beach.

then, it turned out i had to go to nashville for a meeting. so i got a ticket to fly out wednesday (today), then fly from nashville to charlotte on thursday morning, where i would meet dr. w, and join her on her connecting flight to daytona.

my flight to nashville (this morning) got cancelled. no point in going there later. but now i don't have a way to get to charlotte.

so i call us airways to reschedule. turns out that i can't back on my original flight (with dr. w) from dc to charlotte because it is sold out. so i have to leapfrog her, and get a ticket for friday morning. it's an early flight that gets me to daytona by 11:30am, so i figure, hey, not so bad.

then dr. w's flight (for tomorrow, the original flight from dc to charlotte to daytona) get canceled. but now, the flight that i'm booked on (for friday morning) is sold out, so she has to in turn leapfrog me. there are no later flights on friday, so we book her on a flight for saturday. unfortunately, with the connection, it does not get her there until 6pm saturday.

thankfully, us airways agrees to put us on a new return flight on monday so that we can at least have a day-and-a-half together in daytona, at no additional cost.

fun. let's see what happens.


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