Friday, May 25, 2007

the driveshaft list

i haven't watched the season finale of lost, but mle tells me that it was nuts. although we forgot to dvr it, she tvo'd it (how's that for turning nouns into verbs? trying googling that one.) and i running over to their place to pick up a burned copy before i fly out to soflo this afternoon.

last week charlie made a list of the 5 greatest moments in his life (or something to that effect).

i really try to stray from anything sincere on this blog, but i'm standing in what remains of my atlanta apt, typing on the kitchen counter. there's about 20 half-filled boxes strewn around. playing hooky from work so i can pack. in four weeks, i will no longer be an atlanta resident. so, that's a long-winded way of saying that i'm feeling reflective.

in honor of charlie (who i'm guessing met his fate), let's call it the driveshaft list:
5. when my brother and dad came home after their (successful) kidney transplant.
4. when i got the email saying i was accepted into the seo program. it changed the trajectory of my adult life.
3. the first time my high school band played a show. i was on stage at bogart's, my brother was on bass, teen woolfe was singing. we had a great set, played some our own songs, closed out by covering rage against the machine's 'killing in the name' and had a real mosh pit. for a minute, i felt like a rock star. there's no better high.
2. my first day at emory. partly because it confirmed that getting out of cincicrappy was the best possible move and partly because it led to four great years and virtually all of the friends i have today.
1. the night i met dr. wintermute. bloodninja and i had just moved back to atlanta as room mates, and we called j-watt. she invited us to twain's to meet her class mates from her phd program. everything else flowed from this moment.


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