Tuesday, December 21, 2010

strange lump

my brain and eyes, originally uploaded by ☣ bionerd ☢.

after a CT scan, 'unidentified lump' is rarely the phrase anyone wants to hear. but sure enough, i have a 1.2 cm growth between my orbital ridge and left sinus. the specialist doesn't really know what it is, but he figures it's better to have it out of me than in me, so i have surgery on january 3rd.

will post an update after the surgery. in the meantime, we're headed to florida tomorrow to hang with dr. w's fam for the holidays. in a neat bit of traveling planning, broseephus and the cheese are on our flight there.

[note: this is not a scan of my head, but a shot i found on flickr, courtesy bionerd]

Friday, December 17, 2010

clark griswald would be proud

I've always been a fan of the more-is-more ethos when it comes to holiday decorating. there's no such thing as too many ornaments, and the idea of a minimalist tree with color-coordinated tinsel, lights, and garlands is for...neiman marcus.

homes should have a grab-bag of decorations that reflects the accumulation of years of ornaments, including handmade tin foil bells from first grade and darth vader's helmet. Growing up, the biggest house on our street covered its yard, trees, and every available surface with more than one million light bulbs, literally (I'm not exaggerating; it was in the local paper and apparently someone had counted). I always thought it was cool that almost everyone knew where I lived when I mentioned my street name, because they would say, "you live by the house with all of the christmas lights!"

given that dr. wintermute has Taste with a capital T, this year's lights actually look pretty acceptable to her. on the inside however, our tree would make clark griswalk proud.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

101 park

IMG-20101129-00004.jpg, originally uploaded by Wintermute Lives.

i stayed with my cousins while in ny, and they happen to live a few blocks from my old office building at 101 park avenue. it's a beautiful building near grand central. i froze on the (not long) walk from here to their building, so ducked in to grab a tasty slice of ny cheese pizza on the way. man, i spent a lot of time in this building. it was easily the formative experience of my career.

ground zero

IMG-20101201-00006.jpg, originally uploaded by Wintermute Lives.

greetings from ny (well, from 10 days ago). i caught the 4 express downtown and walked across ground zero to the path to visit my cousins in jersey city.

since i left ny in '01, i've been back to ground zero five times. i was here about a year ago, and it's powerful to see that the development is coming along nicely.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Worst band name ever

Worst band name ever, originally uploaded by Wintermute Lives.

Nothing more to say