Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Zipping by

Lark, zipping by on her new scooter 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Larkin turned six

My darling, I wish I could still hold you this close all of the time.


Sunir and Lark, doing what they do best.

I am a Jedi, like my father before me

Nice to compare 1983 and 2016, first day of first grade.  Yes, I'm sporting a vintage, original issue Return of the Jedi t-shirt.


Connie (who was the maid of honor in our wedding) got remarried and had an awesome 80d themed reception. Bonus: she lived in Ohio, which means a pit stop (or two) for Skyline Chili.

Welcome to the jungle

Wow.  In haven't posted here in two years.  I have at least posted quite a bit in my other blog.  Well, time to get back on the horse.

I didn't think it would ever happen, but Axl and Slash buried the hatchet.  Dr. Wintermute and I saw them last month, and they absolutely rocked.  I had been waiting to hear that descending B major blues riff with the heavy delay effect that opens Welcome to Jungle for 20+ years.