Friday, September 30, 2011

Sadly, I discovered this after I ate here

Greetings from the Pensacola airport

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Coldplay from my balcony

Exiting. Till next year.

Dr. w's shift is up. She'll take in Coldplay.

Whirring. The hit.

The Joy Formidable is from North Wales. Great songs, and a great accent to boot.

Met up with Ramon, a co-worker, and his wife, Jen

They just earned cool points for covering the Talking Heads

Walk the Moon is from my hometown. They sound like the Killers.

Thankfully, the port-a-potties are stocked

I'll leave it to your imagination on how I managed to take this picture.

Mmm, ostrich meat. Is lean.

Considering buying this t shirt for Lark

The masses migrating to walk the moon

ice cold

I did this job in college. Ice cold beer hee-ah. Get yer ice cold beer hee-ah. $300 wasn't unusual for a good show

Relaxing on the great meadow

the meadow

Chairs for the weary

Necessary first stop. At $8 a pop, it will be the only one.

lobster rolls?

the food is a lot more upscale than it used to be.

however, by comparison, I checked at another stand, and the "hot dog platter" was the same price as the lobster roll ($10).

welcome to music midtown

skyline across the pond

On the way to music midtown, walking through the park

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

neal stephenson video chat

this is the sweet screenshot I got.  pretty much summed up the visual appeal of the whole experience.

good reads invited me to a pretty cool web event--a video chat with neal stephenson.  as he is one of my all-time favorite authors, i figured this would be very interesting.

turns out that neal is so cerebral, he makes for a very dry interview.  in the right hands, this can produce a lot of insights.  in the wrong hands, it can be devestatingly boring (as one of my fellow chattsers posted).

guess which one we got?

the interviewer was uber-nerdy.  ok, i get that the odds of getting someone with conan o'brien's charisma (or, say, conan himself) to be deep on neal stephenson are very, very slim.  still, get someone with a bit of personality.  this was like watching a high school news production on public access channel 7 in 1987.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Atlanta is heaven in 2011

The chief, chief chick, and sawyer visited Atlanta last weekend to do some house hunting; the chief also had a job interview. Yes, they are working on moving to Atlanta! We all hung out at j-watt's house on Friday night, and it was pretty much a Blanco reunion--everyone except bloodninja and mrs. bloodninja were there. I looked around and realized: this will be the new normal really soon. mama cass and her brood moved her two weeks ago.

I've long wanted to have everyone in one place (not that this idea is particularly original).  Several years, Dr. W and I started a campaign called, "Atlanta is great in 2008."  It was tough to get everyone committed to the idea, least of all us, since we had just moved to the DC area.  But, in the span of a few months, almost of all our crew is here or in the process of moving here.

 Nothing beats getting to live in the same city as my best friends. And I love the idea of our kids growing up together. Here's a pic of Sawyer and Lark hanging out in the pack and play--they are still at the parallel play stage--just kind of noticing and interacting with each other, mainly when one has a toy that the other one wants.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Took Lark and Dr. W to their first con.  Lark rocked a Jedi robe, hand-made the cheese.

Pics to come.

in the meantime, check out these pics (not mine): a great montage of the weekend: Sam Heart

Friday, September 02, 2011

Lark ain't camera shy