last weekend, thankfully, as a quasi-bachelor. it's not even coming home to an empty place every night that feels odd. while i have enough friends around to have a good social life, it's just kind of wandering from one thing to the next on my own schedule. at first, it's kind of like being a freshman right after your parents have dropped you off for the first time. "hey, i'm on my own. i can do whatever i want, whenever i want. the dishes can dry in the sink for a few days. the laundry can lay in hamper, unfolded, for a week."
but the novelty wears off pretty quickly. so i'm glad to be headed back to soflo this sunday. a lot of back and forth in october, but the majority of the time i'll be down there. two short trips to atlanta + one week in portland will keep me away for a bit.
this weekend is heads down. i'm error-checking mrs. wintermute's dissertation data (well, a porition of it). 35 minutes per packet. 19 packets. so, about 10 hours of work, spread out between now (it's friday night) and sunday afternoon, when i fly out. i'll be a bit slower at the beginning, a bit fast at the end. no sweat.
went by emory to run some errands. saw the old chee-phees doing couch friday on the lawn of the house. couldn't resist. sat on the lawn and killed a few beers with them. yup, i'm that guy.
meeting up with moe and joe in a bit. neighbor's. guess who picked that location?
think i'll be meeting moe's new chickie. and joe's might be out, too.
this week is four cities in four days, including a grande finale with a red eye from san diego thursday night.
i'm going to do something i haven't done on a business trip for a long, long time: check a bag. i hate checking bags. it takes time. it takes time to check a bag. it take time to pick it up at the baggage claim. the airlines inevitably lose a bag.
but the no-liquid rule has stymied me. going between my two homes in atlanta and soflo, i just keep two sets of everything--one in each place. so far, for short business trips, i've picked up sample sizes of necessity items or used the hotel's complimentary stuff. but packing in four cities this week, i need my own stuff.
if you follow this to its logical end, at some point we will not be able to bring anything on board. i'm not being facetious here. terrorists will find creative ways to smuggle dangerous things on board until there's nothing left to smuggle because everything is banned from being carried on.
at least tomorrow features a trip on the private jet. the citation is quite comfortable.
if you buy only one album this year: busticles' fresh
busticles has released its new album, 'fresh.'
[i should mention that my brother is the bassist for busticles]
it's freaking bad ass.
if you buy only one album this year, make sure you get 'paris' (here on amazon).
i've heard this album is 'ok computer-era radiohead' meets 'under a blood redy sky-era u2' meets 'true blue-era madonna'
but if you buy a second album, buy 'fresh.' you can get it here on
also, if you want to listen before you buy, check out these four songs on busticles' myspace page ( my favorite track is 'mule is body.'
what i missed at this year's dragon con: aeon & selene
drag queen wonder woman
gotta have storm troopers
after a year of planning, moe and i ended up missing this year's dragon con b/c our college crew got together in miami over labor day weekend. it was flipping sweet, as always. highlights included a badass volleyball game that ended in a mini-brawl (j-watt left me with an anakin-esque scar on my shoulder--she's vicious). for more details, check out mrs. wintermute's blog here--good account of the whole weekend.but man, missing dragon con! some pics:
i'm happy to share though, that mrs. w has started down the path. she's reading 'snow crash.' it's one of the most important modern sci fi books of the cyberpunk genre, after the seminal work by the godfather himself (william gibson), 'neuromancer' (from where this blog gets its name). next up for mrs w: perhaps the most perfectly written book of all time: cryptonomicon. it's one of those books that you're genuinely sad when you finish it, b/c it's like a when a good friend who's been staying with you leaves. back in the day, when bloodninja and i lived together, crpytonomicon was our good book. sometimes we read a few verses before a big meal.