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Sunday, November 25, 2007
it wouldn't be a wintermute thanksgiving...
....without some travel adventures.
all day, it looks like the weather was going to hold off, and our flights appeared to be running on time.
sure enough, when we get to pensacola, our flight to atlanta is delayed. 30 minutes, then 60, then 120. they assure us, however, that we'll make our connection to dc, since everything going in and going out of atlanta is equally delayed.
so we leave florida around 9:00 eastern time, and land at 10:30. as soon as we land, i check the flight status on the crackberry, and amazingly, our connecting flight is only 10 minutes delayed. shit. it takes off before while we're still on the runway.
time to wintermute our way on to a new flight. i call delta while we're taxiing to the gate. turns out we missed the last flight to dulles. but there's still a couple of flights to national and bwi. but none of them have more than one seat available. i tell them to slot dr. wintermute on the the nearest departure (which turns out to be bwi). this lets me make sure she gets off the ground, and stand by on it and try to use my gold medallion status as leverage.
i confirm our new seats (dr. w to bwi, me to national an hour later) as we walk off the plane. turns out we have 10 mintues to get dr. w to her gate.
and the freaking tram is broken. for the uninitiated, hartsfield is sprawling nightmare when things are running on time, much less the end of thanksgiving with massive weather delays.
i grab my bags and one of dr. w's bags and tell her to go ahead. we're in terminal C. we need to get to T. on foot.
halfway there, we see that her departure has been delayed 45 minutes. whew.
we catch our breath.
at the gate, we check her in and i get myself to the top of the standby list. i'm the first one called and now we're both on the plane. i snagged a first class seat for dr.w, which perplexes the gate agent (at first, she doesn't believe us, but i insist that we have one for her). sure enough, after interrogating us ('do you know what class ticket you purchased?'), dr. w's boarding pass prints us 1c. i also managed to slip us through without paying the change fee (though it's insulting that delta would make us pay a change fee in the first place when our original flight delay was the reason to change flights. anyway, we got dr. w out the $50 change fee on the way down here, and they really ought to have charged us, since that was truly for the convenience of getting an earlier flight). fairly satisfying.
hanging at home with the mom in law. the gang is out for shopping round #2, plus some other errands. i managed to beg off for the second time this week. yesterday, they got up at 6 am to do the black friday thing. i believe that went past ludicrous speed and straight into plaid. i'm happy to say that i've gotten about 75% of my holiday shopping done already via amazon.com.
in the afternoon we went to the park. i was looking forward to some team sports, some competition. growing up, at big family get-togethers, that's what we did. it typically involved several heated arguments, at least two people swearing they would never talk to each other again, lots of trash-talking, and at least one serious injury. a good example was the karate tournament of 1987 christmas, where i broke my hand defending my older cousin's daniel-san crane kick. or the baseball tournament of spring 1991, when shan de la shan crouched into my backswing at the plate, and my aluminum baseball bat put a golf-ball sized contusion into his temple. i really thought i had given him brain damage.
yesterday was cold and windy. we had a crappy frisbee too flimsy to throw and a flat soccer ball. camelot-style football it was not.
hanging in niceville. yesterday was momentous, as dr. wintermute gave her parents' garage its first cleaning in 28 years. no exaggeration. we found library books from the early 1840s and newspapers from lincoln's inauguration. i kept waiting to uncover a 'dewey defeats truman' newspaper. in all seriousness, we did find a ceramic doll from germany (where dr. w's mom lived for awhile as a child) that is apparently worth several thousands of dollars. dr. w cleaned for twelve hours yesterdasy; i pitched in for a few hours at the end. the result: 15 bags of trash.
today we went to buy bins to organize what is left.
j-town and the cheese arrive tonight. i'm hankering for some frosty beverages, as dr. w's family's house is a tee-totaling one. ok, really, i'm ready to get plastered. not sure where we will find a willing bar. things here close at 9 pm (not kidding--we actually called around to a couple of places). there are one or two dives that stay open later; we'll see if the kids are ready to rock. the cheese's parents were supposed to join us, but alas, they've caught a bug. their visit was actually a major motivator to clean the garage (among other house cleaning). more importantly, i was looking forward to meeting the cheese's fam.
the upside is that i can continue growing my beard.
saw beowulf in 3D this week. anjalina jolie naked looked good, but overall, the rotoscoping effect (where they animate live actors) still has some distance to go. also, why does beowulf insist on fighting completely naked? i don't remember that part from the book. the movie goes through several convoluted austin powers-esque camera tricks to hide beowulf's dong (e.g., one of his soldiers holds up a sword as beowulf turns around). i don't think it was meant to funny, but i almost laughed out loud.
In the early '70s, everyone was mellowing out to soft rock music. Singer-songwriters, acoustic guitars, and sun-soaked melodies took over the airwaves and the sound of soft rock was born. Get 168 original soft rock hits on 11 CDs, one FREE!
for the last 40 minutes, i've been watching this time life infomercial. apparently, market research revealed that someone wanted the greatest music pussies of all time all in one place. this includes losers who you forgot made music or made music you tried to forget, like:
air supply
boz scags
benny mardones
hall and oates
steve winwood
rupert holmes (the guy who sings the pina colada song)
in addition, they have graham russell and russell hitchcock (the two guys who made up air supply, apparently) enjoying what is quite possibly the most homoerotic ads i've seen in awhile. these silver maned mullet heads are relaxing in their home (i guess they're still living together). each clips starts with them emerging from some room or cuddling on the couch with their silver mullets, singing 'i'm all out of love" with two acoustic guitars. then some random housewife appears and exclaims, "i can't believe i'm here with air supply!"
they then reminence about the absolutely horrible music that headlined high school proms everywhere from 1972 to 1976.
anyway, it's friday, 1:34 am, and i'm working. this is actually nothing new, as i have worked almost seven days a week straight for the past four weeks. this has included some spectacular 2 am nights.
have spent the week in san destin. not a bad place for a company conference. works out nicely, since dr. wintermute's parents live nearby, and we can roll right into thanksgiving. dr. w just landed a few hours ago. i have one more half day at the conference, and then they are driving over to the resort to pick me up.
nightmare couple of weeks in terms of workload. it's really the most intense it's been...well, ever. had two nights this week where i pulled 20 hour days. wed was the worst--took the train up to nj at 7, worked until 3:45 am, and then got up for an 8 am video conference.
and it's saturday, and i'm still working. between now and christmas is going to be a grind.
mpg and shan de la shan are on their way over. they're just about on time for our family, which means it's one hour and forty-minutes past when they were supposed to be here. j-nee will appreciate that one, i'm sure.
headed out to destin next week for a conference. it actually works out nicely. i have a week of good weather at a resort, and then i'm going to roll it right into my thanksgiving vacation, as my conference is 45 minutes from the in-laws. dr. wintermute flies down friday night. i'm dreading having to break it to her that i'm going to be working a lot this thanksgiving. she specifically asked me if that was going to be the case (two thanksgivings ago at her rents' place, i was doing my first m&a deal, and 'a few hours' turned into 3 straight twelve hour days). i'm already stressed about. should be a good week. j-town and his fiancee will be there, and as well as the cheese's rents. so we'll be one big happy family.
had a good run into boston two weeks ago. sadly, i was there for only a couple of days and didn't get to hang with nobf or meet her new son. however, on the way home, i ran into slim shady in logan airport. holy big h study group, batman! it was really good to talk to her--we actually hadn't see each other in a couple of years (i think our jaunt with mpg, j-nee, and nobf for beacon hill brunch at the paramount in oct '05 was the last time, actually).