i hate
tenured profs who don't give a shit about their students.
hate. like no redeeming qualities. not dislike. not merely despise. like deep down, gut-wrenching hatred.
(watch this post come up in some testimony some day and bite me in the ass).
100% organic, shade-grown, fair-trade, and anti-biotic free.
errr, dude, you just came from the bathroom.
shit, i gotta shake his hand.
ok, i'm shaking his hand. his hand is wet. please let that be b/c he just washed his hands.
but did he rinse them or truly wash them? did he turn the water on, pump soap, vigorously scrub for a ten count, rinse, grab a paper towel, dry off, then use the paper towel to turn off the faucet (thereby not re-infecting his clean hand on the dirty faucet)?
hey man, great to see you.
cooter, a surprisingly smart boy from alabama, makes it to harvard college. while finding his way around campus, he is amazed by the architecture and the fact that there really is ivy on the walls.
he can't find the library though. he spies a professor walking by and walks up to him. "uhh, hello professor, " he drawls. "i seem to be a bit lost. can you tell me where the library is at?"
professor preston lincolshire tweedledum peers down at this country bumpkin. "why, yesssss, i do know where it is. but hasn't anyone told you not to end your sentences with a preposition?"
cooter scratches his head, spits outs his dip, and nods. "yup, i guess you're right."
he pauses.
"ok, well let me try again. can you tell me where the library is at, asshole?"